AFA    Moodle   

Plaça Espanya, 2

08242 Manresa (Barcelona)

DL, DM i DJ:

9-13h i 17.30-19.30h

DC i DV:



Plaça Espanya, 2

08242 Manresa (Barcelona)

DL, DM i DJ:

9-13h i 17.30-19.30h

DC i DV:



En marxa

Creative Workshop With Mentari

Location Address, City

Many school principals have discovered the power and potential of using school-wide themes to build school spirit, morale, camaraderie, and test scores. At Lewis Vincent Elementary School in Denham Springs, Louisiana, this year's theme is teamwork and the slogan is "We're On the Same Team." "Themes are a great way to coordinate all activities throughout the year," Vincent Elementary's principal, Carol Robertson, told Education World. "Our teachers and I choose a theme before we leave for the summer. That way,…


Freedom Expressions Art

Many school principals have discovered the power and potential of using school-wide themes to build school spirit, morale, camaraderie, and test scores. At Lewis Vincent Elementary School in Denham Springs, Louisiana, this year's theme is teamwork and the slogan is "We're On the Same Team." "Themes are a great way to coordinate all activities throughout the year," Vincent Elementary's principal, […]

Easter Mass in school for pupils and staff

Easter Mass in school Cannon Road Southgate , London N14 7HE

There are two classes for each year group with a total of 420 pupils from Reception to Year 6. Attainment at St Monica’s has been consistently ‘outstanding’ at Key Stage 2 for the last five years. But academic achievement is not our only concern. Whilst we aim to ensure every child reaches their full potential academically, they are also taught that they can be successful in many different ways. This could be anything from being a good friend to being a fantastic musician, sports person or artist, the list is endless! The children are also taught that it is good to make mistakes because that is how you learn and persistence is key! “Strive to succeed in the presence of God!” is our motto and one that fits well with our ethos. The parents of our children are very supportive of the school and this is valued as an essential ingredient for making our school as successful as it is.

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