AFA    Moodle   

Plaça Espanya, 2

08242 Manresa (Barcelona)

DL, DM i DJ:

9-13h i 17.30-19.30h

DC i DV:



Plaça Espanya, 2

08242 Manresa (Barcelona)

DL, DM i DJ:

9-13h i 17.30-19.30h

DC i DV:


Carregant Esdeveniments

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Freedom Expressions Art

9 de març de 2016 @ 8:00 - 8 de març de 2017 @ 17:00

Many school principals have discovered the power and potential of using school-wide themes to build school spirit, morale, camaraderie, and test scores. At Lewis Vincent Elementary School in Denham Springs, Louisiana, this year’s theme is teamwork and the slogan is “We’re On the Same Team.” “Themes are a great way to coordinate all activities throughout the year,” Vincent Elementary’s principal, Carol Robertson, told Education World. “Our teachers and I choose a theme before we leave for the summer. That way, everyone can be looking during the summer for ideas and suggestions for incorporating that theme into teaching, projects, school improvement, and prizes.” – See more at:

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9 de març de 2016 @ 8:00
8 de març de 2017 @ 17:00

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